Make sure you let Access Canberra know if your contact details change.

Updating your contact details means you won’t miss any important reminders from us.

There are two different forms for updating your contact details. The one you need to use depends on who you need to notify.

How to update your contact details

Update your contact details if they're changing and you have and any of the following:

  • driver licence
  • vehicle registration
  • proof of identity
  • high risk work licence

You can update your contact details:

You don’t need to visit a service centre to update your contact details.

Update your contact details online

Change of addresses

If you have an ACT driver licence, or an ACT registered vehicle you have 14 days to let us know of any change of address.

This includes if you change your:

  • residential address
  • postal address
  • garage address.

You can update your address online for all other services, including:

  • occupational licences
  • building and construction licences
  • MyWay
  • dog registration
  • Working with Vulnerable People registration.

Use the change of address form

If you’ve moved to the ACT from interstate

You have 3 months to:

Make sure you also update your address with Medicare.

Signing up for emails

You can sign up to receive drivers Licence and vehicle registration renewal documents by email instead of by post.

We will still send your registration certificate by post.

Complete the form to supply your email address

Once you’ve completed the form, you’ll receive an email with instructions to verify your email address.

You must complete the verification process by the date mentioned in the email, or your email address will be removed.

How to unsubscribe

To unsubscribe complete the form and select 'Unsubscribe' on the 'Contact Details' tab.

Complete the form to unsubscribe

Text message (SMS) Reminders

We can send you an SMS reminder when its time to renew your drivers licence or car registration or pay a fine (infringement).

You can sign up for text message reminders when you update your contact details by providing your mobile number. If you’ve already provided your mobile number, you’ll be automatically opted in.

Text message reminders are available for both individuals and organisations.

To help remind you, we send reminders before and after the expiry and due date.

Text message reminders are sent in addition to the usual notices we send you. You’ll still receive a renewal document by mail or email.

Complete the form to subscribe

You may have received an SMS reminder from Access Canberra after earlier opting out of the service. Your preferences may have been reversed because of a system update.

You can opt out of future SMS reminders by completing the online form.

How to unsubscribe

To opt out complete the form and opt out from Driver Licence, Registration, or Infringement reminders via the 'Contact Details' tab.

By opting out, you’ll no longer receive test message reminders however your mobile number will remain in the system.

Complete the form to unsubscribe

Did you miss a call from us?

Access Canberra may call to remind you to check that your address details are correct.

If you have any concerns or need assistance contact us.