
Fees are correct as at 1 July 2024. All fees are subject to change without notice.

Fee payable when the operatorship of an ACT registered vehicle changes hands, usually through the sale of a vehicle. $48.00
Late transfer fee (transfer applied for later than 14 days after the date the vehicle was purchased or acquired). $129.50
Fee payable when establishing registration for vehicles that have not previously been registered in the ACT. $110.20
Re-registration of a vehicle (all vehicle types) that has previously been registered on the ACT vehicle register. $55.90
Fee payable when registering a goods trailer, fixed load (equipment) trailer or motorbike in the ACT for the first time. $66.40

Please note the late fee is required in addition to the fee payable when the operatorship of an ACT registered vehicle changes hands.

For current vehicle registration and MAI charges please refer to the Renewing vehicle registration page.