Restricted hire cars are vehicles to take passengers to school formals and weddings only.

To operate a restricted hire service in the ACT you need restricted hire car accreditation and vehicle licencing.

Restricted Hire cars are appropriately accredited and licenced and are insured vehicles driven by employees of the accredited operator.

They don’t include vehicles rented to members of the public.

To drive a restricted hire car in the ACT you need a public vehicle driver licence.

Read about public vehicle driver licences.


Only applicants considered a ‘suitable person’ are eligible for accreditation.

The suitable person requirement applies to each:

  • director, partner or office holder
  • operations manager
  • person responsible for the day-to-day management of the service.

What you’ll need

As well meeting the requirements for a suitable person, you will need to:

  • provide your proof of your identity
  • provide results of a national police check or an ACT Working with Vulnerable People check
  • register, insure and licence your vehicles.

The restricted Hire Car Accreditation Package [PDF 253 KB] [DOCX 2.66 MB] includes:

  • a checklist to see whether you are a suitable person
  • authorisation for Access Canberra (the Road Transport Authority) to release records
  • the minimum service standards for operating a restricted hire car service. The minimum service standards are what you’ll be audited against as part of Access Canberra's Audit and compliance programs
  • information about record keeping
  • information about accreditation approval and refusal
  • the application forms.

Minimum standards

You will need to meet the minimum service standards set out under the Road Transport (Public Passenger Services) Regulation 2002.

Police checks

In addition to meeting the requirements of a suitable person. You also need to provide:

  • a police check results report or National Police Certificate
  • a clear copy of photo identification.

Apply for a National Police Check.

Alternatively, you can provide one of the following:

  • a current Working With Vulnerable People card (non-restricted)
  • a National Police Certificate or police check results report which is less than 6 months old from the date of your application.


A restricted hire car licence will only be issued to the end date of the registration period of the vehicle regardless of when the licence fee was paid.

This means if you register your restricted hire car quarterly or twice a year, you will need to re-apply for a restricted hire car licence for each new registration period.

Read about vehicle registration.

Read about roadworthy inspections.


You need to maintain a current public vehicle licence policy at a minimum value of $5,000,000 at all times when operating your restricted hire car service.

Your insurance policy needs to be in the name of the accredited restricted hire car operator and should detail the registration number of the vehicle/s you operate.

If you add further restricted hire cars to your accreditation, you’ll need to update and provide a copy of your updated insurance certificate.

Vehicle licencing

To get accredited you also need to apply for a restricted hire car/motorcycle licence for each vehicle you intend to operate.

This is not the same as getting a public vehicle endorsement condition 'W' on a driver licence, although your drivers will need this on their licences.

Complete an Application for restricted hire car licence [PDF 205 KB] [DOC 906 KB] form for each vehicle.

Driver licencing

Whomever operates the vehicles will need an ‘W’ endorsement on their ACT driver licence, and in the case of motorcycle riders, an ‘R’ as well.

Read about public vehicle driver licences.

Apply for accreditation

The accreditation package includes the application forms and a checklist to help you put together your application.

  1. Complete the Application form and the Authorisation form in the Restricted hire car accreditation (weddings and school formals only) application package [PDF 252 KB] [DOCX 2.66 MB]
  2. Include all relevant documents listed in the Applicant checklist. If you’re applying as a business entity you also need to provide:
    • a certificate of registration of corporation
    • an extract of Australian Securities and Investment Commission documentation listing details of partners and directors
    • if using a 'trading as' name, a copy of the certificate of registration of business name.
  3. Submit your application by:
  4. Pay the fee. You can do this online.


If approved, your accreditation is valid for up to 6 years and can be renewed using the same forms.


Application for restricted hire car accreditation: $30.00

Application for restricted hire car licence: $25.00 per vehicle to the end date of registration

Pay an accreditation or licence fee

Accredited ACT operators

These are accredited operators in the ACT.

Restricted hire car operatorAccreditation number
A1 Classic Car RentalsRHC66
First Class Chauffeured Cars Pty LtdRHC63
Scorgie, GaryRHC71
SkyHire Pty LtdRHC109
True Blue Wedding CarsRHC104
Classic Wedding Cars CanberraRHC168
Stephen SmithRHC172
Gareth KnapmanRHC177
Kamberra KombiRHC194
Classic & Classy Wedding Car HireRHC197
Olive Branch ServicesRHC205
I Do Luxury Cars and BikesRHC209