Calculate your vehicle registration
What you'll need
To estimate your registration renewal fee, you'll need your current ACT numberplate.
To estimate your registration fee for a new vehicle, you may need the:
- vehicle type and weight
- engine type (petrol, gas, diesel, electric)
- vehicle price or market value
- combined CO2 emissions.
If you do not know the combined CO2 emissions, you can use the:
Registration fee calculator
The registration fee calculator is for light vehicles (less than 4.5 tonnes).
You can use the calculator to estimate costs to:
- renew registration for an ACT registered vehicle
- register a new or used vehicle that is not currently registered in the ACT.
The calculator will show you any fees that apply including:
- registration fee
- motor vehicle duty
- motor accident injuries insurance
- extra charges.
Transferring rego for an ACT registered vehicle
The calculator cannot estimate the cost to transfer registration for an ACT registered vehicle.
Instead, you can check the fees to transfer registration.
If you transfer registered operators for a vehicle, you'll also pay motor vehicle duty.
To get an estimate, you can also call Access Canberra on 13 22 81 or visit an Access Canberra service centre.