Reporting pollutants as an industrial facility
About the National Pollutant Inventory
The National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) is a public database of pollutants emitted across Australia. It is cooperatively run by Commonwealth, state and territory governments.
The NPI currently holds data on 93 substances. These substances have been identified for their possible effect on human health and the environment.
You can find out information about:
- each of the 93 substances
- the possible effects on human health and the environment
- areas where these substances have been emitted or transferred
- how much of each substance have been emitted.
It also:
- provides details about facilities in the local area which are emitting pollutants
- compares the ACT's emissions to the rest of Australia
- provides downloadable data for off-line analysis.
Find out about emissions in your area or view the NPI database.
Who needs to report
You must make a report if you’re an industrial facility and you exceed the pollutant thresholds.
You can find a full list of all facilities that need to report on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.
Different categories of pollutants have different thresholds. You can find a list of the specific pollutant thresholds in the National Pollutant Inventory Guide.
To ensure you’re meeting your reporting requirements you should review:
- the reporting requirements for your facility
- the specific thresholds for different pollutant.
If you fail to meet your reporting requirements the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) may take regulatory actions for any non-compliance.
How to report in the ACT
Access Canberra runs the NPI program in the ACT.
To make a report you’ll need to:
- calculate your emissions and transfers
- report them to us using our online system.
Our online system:
- allows you to view, edit and submit your report online
- pre-populates data, based on your previous year report
- contains calculation tools you can download to estimate the emissions from your facility.
- alerts you to any potential problems or issues in your report.
Facility staff or their authorized representatives can use the online reporting system. To find out more read the User Guide for NPI Online Reporting System.
When do you need to report
You must report within three months after the end of your 12-month reporting period.
This means you must submit your report by:
- 30 September if you report each financial year
- 31 March if you report each calendar year.
Most industries in the ACT submit their reports by 30 September each year.
Program training
We raise awareness about the program with facilities, industry groups and other stakeholders.
We also offer training to help you:
- understand your reporting requirements
- learn how to use the online reporting system.
Contact us using our email details below to organise training.
Contact us
If you’re unsure about your reporting requirements or would like to know more about the NPI program, contact us.
You can contact our NPI officer by email at or call Access Canberra on 13 22 81.