Notify for Automatic Mutual Recognition
Before you work in the ACT with your interstate licence under the Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme, you should check:
- if you’re eligible to work under the AMR scheme
- check your occupation’s requirements to operate under an Automatic Deemed Registration (ADR)
- notify the local licensing authority.
Some occupations are exempt from AMR.
Lodge a notification
Notifying the relevant ACT authority tells them you intend to work in ACT using your interstate-issued licence.
Once you’ve notified, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements, you can work in the ACT immediately. You don’t need to do anything else for your licence to be recognised.
How to notify
- Use our online form.
- Sign into your ACT Digital Account. If you don’t have one, you will need to create an account.
- Complete the Level 2 identity verification for your ACT Digital Account.
- Upload a copy of your occupational licence (it does not need to be certified).
- If applicable, upload evidence you hold a Working with Vulnerable People registration in the ACT (only if required for your occupation in the ACT).
- Upload evidence that you meet any Public Protection Requirements for your occupation.
- Submit the form.
The licensing authority will process your notification and contact you if we need any further information.
If you move to another state or territory, or if your licence changes you must notify again of your intent to work in the ACT under an ADR.
Notify for Automatic Mutual Recognition
ACT licence holders
If you are licensed or registered in the ACT and plan to work interstate, you will need to check the rules and regulations in that state or territory.
Queensland does not participate in the AMR scheme.
Each state and territory has different occupations participating in the scheme.
Interstate licence holders
Once you have lodged your notification you can begin working in the ACT.
If your home state or licence changes you must notify the registration authority again of your intention to work in the ACT under an ADR. Examples include being issued a new licence after cancellation, or moving and obtaining a licence in your new home state.
Under AMR you will maintain your current home state registration or licence and will not be issued with a registration in the ACT.
You must comply with the ACT laws relevant to your registration when operating in the ACT, as well as with the conditions on your licence.
You may need to get secondary approvals to operate in the ACT, such as approval of premises, events or vehicles.
If, due to non-compliance, you become subject to legal or disciplinary proceedings, the licensing authority will end your ADR.
This also end your licence in your home state and any ADR in other states and territories.
Read about ADR requirements.
Visit the links below to find out more about the requirements for your licence.
- Alcohol ignition interlock installer and servicing
- Architects
- Assistant real estate, business & stock and station agents
- Authorised (car) examiners
- Bus service operators
- Controlled (Combat) Sports officials and contestants
- Driving instructors
- Assistance animal assessors
- Gaming technicians
- Professionals who deal with radiation producing equipment
- Heavy vehicle driver assessors
- Hire car service providers
- Pest and weed control operators
- Race bookmaker/Agent and Sports bookmaker agent
- Real estate, business, stock and station agent and land auctioneer
- Rideshare driver accreditors
- Security industry professionals
- Land surveyors
- Taxi service operators
- Transport booking service providers
- Motor Vehicle Dealers, Wholesalers and Repairers
- Second-hand dealers and Pawnbrokers
- Water drillers