Forms and fees

Fees are current as at 1 July 2024.

Form Guidance notesFee
001 - DCC - Discharge or Remove a Charge or Court Order [DOCX 43KB] or [PDF 190KB] 001 - DCC - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 243KB] $172.00
003 - DESL - Determination/Expiry of a sublease or underlease [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 215KB] 003 - DESL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 219KB]$172.00
004 - ATR - Application for Title Repair [DOCX 66KB] or [PDF 298KB]004 - ATR - Guidance Notes [DOC 112KB] or [PDF 260KB]$172.00
006 - PDSL - Partial determination surrender of a sublease or underlease [DOC 60KB] or [PDF 225KB] 006 - PDSL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 247KB]$172.00
007 - MAE - Miscellaneous Application as Encumbrance [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 197KB] 007 - MAE - Guidance Notes [DOCX 113KB] or [PDF 250KB]$172.00
008 - MA - Miscellaneous Application [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 197KB]008 - MA - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 248KB]$172.00
009 – CN – Application to note change of name on land titles register [DOCX 55KB] or [PDF 193KB] 009 - CN - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 248KB] Nil
010 - CNI - Change of Name on Land Titles Register [DOCX 60KB] or [PDF 197KB] 010 - CNI - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 273KB] Nil
012 - ACT - Application to Combine or Separate Title [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 235KB] 012 - ACT - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 272KB]$172.00
015 - ND - Notice of death by surviving proprietor [DOCX 55KB] or [PDF 193KB] 015 - ND - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 212KB]$172.00
016 - NDI - Notice of death by surviving proprietor on an instrument [DOCX 56KB] or [PDF 184KB] 016 - NDI - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 223KB]$172.00
017 - RX - Registrar-General's caveat [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 223KB]017 - RX - Guidance Notes [DOCX 104KB] or [PDF 226KB] $336.00
018 – TPS – Transfer by power of sale [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 205KB]018 - TPS - Guidance Notes [DOCX 111KB] or [PDF 234KB] $463.00
019 - UP - Application to register a units plan [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 169KB]019 - UP - Guidance Notes [DOCX 111KB] or [PDF 223KB]$172.00
Units Plan Proformas [DOCX 41KB] or [PDF 367KB]  Nil
021 - TM - Transfer of mortgage [DOCX 56KB] or [PDF 197KB]021 - TM - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 220KB]$463.00
022 - VSL - Variation of sublease or underlease [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 221KB] 022 - VSL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 106KB] or [PDF 223KB]$172.00
023 - CCH - Application to register a court order or a charge [DOCX 64KB] or [PDF 318KB] 023 - CCH - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 246KB]$172.00
026 - M - Mortgage [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 222KB] 026 - M - Guidance Notes [DOCX 111KB] or [PDF 211KB] $172.00
The National Mortgage Form [NMF] is available for use in the ACT. It can only be lodged in paper format. All currently approved mortgage forms are still acceptable for lodgement.  $172.00
027 - ASP - Application to register a sublease plan  $666.00
028 - VM - Variation of mortgage [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 205KB]028 - VM - Guidance Notes [DOCX 106KB] or [PDF 220KB]$172.00
029 - ANN - Annexure [DOC 71KB] or [PDF 125KB]  Nil
030 - FLUP - Instrument granting further lease [units plan] [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 246KB] 030 - FLUP - Guidance Notes [DOC 111KB] or [PDF 306KB] $344.00
031 - ACL - Application to register a crown lease [DOC 64KB] or [PDF 260KB] 031 - ACL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 107KB] or [PDF 244KB] $172.00
032 - TA - Transmission application [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 226KB]032 - TA - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 311KB]$172.00
033 - SRG - Surrender and re-grant of a crown lease [DOCX 60KB] or [PDF 222KB] 033 - SRG - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 305KB] $344.00
034 - TAB - Transmission Application for Bankruptcy [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 244KB] 034 - TAB - Guidance Notes [DOCX 111KB] or [PDF 311KB]$172.00
035 - TAI - Transmission application on an instrument [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 217KB] 035 - TAI - Guidance Notes [DOC 111KB] or [PDF 291KB]$172.00
036 - X - Caveat [DOCX 60KB] or [PDF 254KB]036 - X - Guidance Notes [DOC 113KB] or [PDF 324KB]$336.00
037 - WX - Withdrawal of caveat [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 219KB]037 - WX - Guidance Notes [DOCX 113KB] or [PDF 299KB]$172.00
038 - ALX - Application for lapsing of a caveat [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 214KB] 038 - ALX - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 280KB]$172.00
039 - CA - Notice of change of address for service of documents [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 200KB] 039 - CA - Guidance Notes [DOC 109KB] or [PDF 253KB]$172.00
041 - VPM - Variation of priorities of mortgages [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 204KB] 041 - Guidance Notes [DOC 109KB] or [PDF 253KB]$172.00
042 - C - Consent to register [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 210KB]042 - C - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 249KB] Nil
044 - AVCL - Application to vary a crown lease [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 221KB] 044 - AVCL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 256KB]$172.00
045 - D - Discharge of mortgage [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 197KB]045 - D - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 251KB]$172.00
046 - DMSL - Discharge of mortgage on a sublease or underlease [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 199KB] 046 - DMSL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 251KB]$172.00
047 - DE - Discharge of encumbrance [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 198KB]047 - DE - Guidance Notes [DOCX 93KB] or [PDF 246KB]$172.00
048 - MSL - Mortgage of a sublease or underlease [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 209KB] 048 - MSL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 211KB]$172.00
049 - MOP - Memorandum of provisions [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 178KB]049 - MOP - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 209KB]$172.00
050 - NS - Application for name suppression in the land titles register [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 202KB] 050 - NS - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 226KB] Nil
052 - T - Transfer [DOCX 66KB] or [PDF 173KB]052 - T - Guidance Notes [DOCX 112KB] or [PDF 241KB] $463.00
053 - E - Encumbrance [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 188KB]053 - E - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 211KB]$172.00
054 - ADP - Application to register a deposited plan [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 235KB]  $666.00
055 - ALUP - Application to Alter a Units Plan [DOCX 63KB] or [PDF 205KB]055 - ALUP - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 210KB]$172.00
057 - DCL - Determination/surrender of a crown lease [DOCX 60KB] or [PDF 202KB] 057 - DCL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 111KB] or [PDF 214KB]$172.00
059 - OC - Application to register an over-riding statutory charge [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 239KB] $172.00
060 - XSL - Caveat of a sublease/underlease [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 208KB] 060 - XSL - Guidance Notes [DOC 111KB] or [PDF 235KB] $336.00
061 - ACTS - Application to register community title scheme [DOCX 60KB] or [PDF 211KB] 061 - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 232KB]$172.00
062 - CTSE - Community title scheme lot entitlement schedule [DOCX 65KB] or [PDF 208KB] 062 - CTSE - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 227KB]$172.00
064 - ADDP - Application to register a division/district Plan [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 211KB]  $666.00
065 - DEX - Declaration by executor [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 189KB]065 - DEX - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 229KB]$172.00
068 - TSL - Transfer of sublease/underlease [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 210KB] 068 - TSL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 205KB] $463.00
072 - SL - Sublease [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 201KB]072 - SL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 213KB]$172.00
Sublease Plan Proformas [DOC 23KB] or [PDF 104KB]  Nil
073 - ANE - Annexure – Additional Signing Panel [DOCX 56KB] or [PDF 173KB]073 - ANE - Guidance Notes [DOCX 107KB] or [PDF 224KB] Nil
075 - CUP - Cancellation of units plan [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 205KB]075 - CUP - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 229KB]$172.00
077 - NT - Notice of appointment/retirement of trustee [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 198KB] 077 - NT - Guidance Notes [DOCX 111KB] or [PDF 216KB]$172.00
078 - SUE - Schedule of unit entitlements [DOCX 42KB] or [PDF 127KB]   Nil
079 - EE - Extinguishment of easement [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 206KB]079 - EE - Guidance Notes [DOC 110KB] or [PDF 233KB]$172.00
080 - TGE - Transfer and grant of easement [DOCX 61KB] or [PDF 206KB]080 - TGE - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 213KB]$172.00
081 - W - Application to register a writ [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 180KB]081 - W - Guidance [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 212KB]$172.00
082 - RW - Removal of Writ [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 180KB]082 - RW - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 208KB]$172.00
083 - UL - Underlease [DOCX 62KB] or [PDF 217KB]083 - UL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 212KB]$172.00
086 - V - Vesting [DOCX 60KB] or [PDF 213KB]086 - V - Guidance Notes [DOCX 110KB] or [PDF 211KB]$172.00
089 - CEP - Company execution panel [DOCX 123KB] or [PDF 172KB]  Nil
094 - SR - Special resolution by owners corporation [DOC 58KB] or [PDF 189KB] 094 - SR - Guidance Notes [DOC 111KB] or [PDF 214KB]$172.00
095 - WA - Application to note withdrawal/acquisition [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 197KB]095 - WA - Guidance Notes [DOCX 106KB] or [PDF 197KB]$172.00
096 - TCL - Termination of crown lease [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 179KB]096 - TCL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 105KB] or [PDF 178KB]$172.00
097 - LN - Lease notification [DOCX 58KB] or [PDF 179KB]097 - LN - Guidance Notes [DOCX 105KB] or [PDF 197KB]$172.00
098 - CTSA - Application to amend community title scheme [DOC 64KB] or [PDF 212KB] 098 - CTSA - Guidance Notes [DOCX 111KB] or [PDF 235KB]$172.00
099 - CTLP Lot entitlement schedule for a progressive development within a community title scheme [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 202KB] 099 - CTLP - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 227KB] Nil
100 - TCTS - Application to terminate community title scheme [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 164KB] 100 - TCTS - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 218KB]$172.00
101 - CCN Application to note change of company name on title [DOC 58KB] or [PDF 179KB] 101 - CCN - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 207KB] Nil
102 - ECL - Expiry of crown lease [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 178KB]102 - ECL - Guidance Notes [DOCX 105KB] or [PDF 174KB]$172.00
105 - CAI - Notice of change of address for service of documents on an instrument [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 179KB] 105 - CAI - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 207KB] Nil

109 - REGD - Application to register a deed [DOCX 56KB] or [PDF 201KB]

109 - REGD - Guidance Notes [DOCX 105KB] or [PDF 182KB] $142.00
110 - SDI - Application to search a deed or instrument  $30.00 per page to a maximum of $97.00

111 - RPA - Application to register a revocation of a power of attorney [DOCX 57KB] or [PDF 155KB]

111 - RPA - Guidance Notes [DOCX 105KB] or [PDF 183KB]$142.00
112 - NRV - Application to note retirement village [DOCX 59KB] or [PDF 202KB] 112 - NRV - Guidance Notes [DOCX 109KB] or [PDF 213KB]$172.00
113 - RRV - Application to remove notice for retirement village [DOC 62KB] or [PDF 306KB] 113 - RRV - Guidance Notes [DOCX 108KB] or [PDF 226KB]$172.00

Search and other fees

Fees are current as at 1 July 2024.

Check search Nil
Sublease plan database search [searches can only be made at the counter] $9.00
Instrument/dealing search $23.00
Deposited plan search $25.00
Sublease plan search $25.00
Unit plan search$25.00
Community title scheme search$25.00
Certificate of title search $34.00
Crown lease search $34.00
Historic title search $34.00
Units plan common property certificate of title search $34.00
Name search [searches can only be made via an ACTLIS Subscriber] $34.00
Certified copies of searches $31.00 per page to a maximum of $104.00